Why University Students want LinkedIn.

This is my very first post on MAG-CIS. I’m going to demonstrate on this post, what is LinkedIn and Why University Students want LinkedIn.

What is LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is a Web Site which is same as Facebook. Yes, it is like a social media network but, a professional network. We can make a profile, add our professional content and our bio data to it. So it works as our online CV. LinkedIn has more than 347 million members in over 200 countries.

Why LinkedIn:
When we have made the LinkedIn profile we can connect with professionals and organizations and it will help you to get a job after your graduation or while you’re studying. It is one of the opportunities of LinkedIn. Let’s see what others are.

This is how University Students can get benefits from LinkedIn:

Getting Job Alerts:
After we create a LinkedIn profile we can choose the fields which we are interested in. If there is a vacancy in an organization they post it on LinkedIn .We can see those Jobs through LinkedIn. If you are willing to do a job overseas, you can get lot of benefits from the Linked network.

Connecting With Professionals:
Students can connect with neighbors, friends and family members professionally. These connections sometimes make opportunities.

Getting Recommendations:
In LinkedIn there is a feature to recommend others skills. Students who have maximum number of recommendations will get more attention from employers.

Letting companies find you:
Employers are always looking for talented employees. Therefore they are searching for talented employees in LinkedIn. If there is a student with bunch of successful projects, skills and recommendations employers will offer a job as soon as he/she gets graduated.

Letting you find companies:
This is one of the biggest benefits that LinkedIn offers. You can visit interested companies and connect with the employees of those organizations and it will be helpful to know about the hiring process of the companies.

Let’s make a LinkedIn profile earlier as possible and stay ahead of the competition.

Isuru Abeywardana
CIS 2012/2013