What is Microsoft Virtual Academy

What is Microsoft Virtual Academy?
           Microsoft Virtual Academy or MVA is a fully cloud based learning experience focusing on Microsoft Technologies. Especially it is a no cost online training for all Developers, IT professionals and students and etc. Structure is basically similar to a virtual university. 

What they provide to us?

            Students can select the course they want with the helping materials. And end of the course they will be awarded with bronze, silver and gold points according to their marks, also they can improve their rankings in the worldwide and local top students list. 

Why is MVA so special?

            This is free of charge, and you can study the contents at any time and at your own pace. They have hosted on the latest Microsoft Azure technology, which guarantees that you’re learning experience will flow uninterruptedly for one of the best online learning experiences ever.

Who is eligible to participate in MVA?

             People who are interested can join with MVA and they will be provided a live ID to access the courses. No big technical knowledge required.

What are the benefits for the students?

⦁    No cost training with latest Microsoft technologies
⦁    Easy to select the course with the interest
⦁    Points are given which are recognized by IT professionals
⦁    Provide a virtual world to acquire new skills 


 Rasitha Ariyarathna
 CIS 2012/2013


‘Windows Bridge For iOS’ To Help iOS Developers With App Portability

What is WinObjC?

                Microsoft has released software to reduce the gap between Windows applications and apps for Apple's iOS mobile platform which is nicknamed as WinObjC.