Next Evolution of the Internet

What is IoT?

  • Internet of things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or “things” embedded with electronics, software, sensors and connectivity to enable it to achieve greater value and service by exchanging data with the manufacturer, operator and/or other connected devices .

  • Internet of things (IoT) sometimes referred to as the Internet of Objects, will change everything-including ourselves, consider the impact the Internet already has had on education, communication, business, science, government and humanity. Clearly the Internet is one of the most important and powerful creations in all of human history.      

IoT Today

  • IoT is simply the point in time when more “things or objects” were connected to the internet than people.

  • During 2008  the number of things connected to the internet exceeded the number of people on the earth.

We evolve because we Communicate 

  • Human evolve because they communicate - This  principle of sharing information and building can best be understood by   examine how humans process data

  • It is also important to note there is a direct correlation between the input (data) and output(wisdom). The more data that is created, the more knowledge & wisdom people can obtain.

  • IoT dramatically increase the amount of data available for us to process. This, coupled with the Internet’s ability to communicate this data, will enable people to advance even further.

IoT The Tapping Point

  • Mobile, Cloud, Big Data and Social are converting to enable countless application of IoT in the future and of all the disruption in play today, IoT could very well be the biggest.

- With IoT, object use Tiny devices to  to make them identifiable by their own unique IP address. These devices can then autonomously communicate with one another.
-  Smart products
- Smart Optimisation
- Smart automation
- Smart decision

Big Data and IoT

  • These are roughly three distinct stages for IoT   
-   First, data is collected using sensors.
- At the next step, this data is analysed help of complex algorithms that were embedded into the IoT device or cloud base data processing.
- This is followed by decision - making and transmission of data to the decision making server.

  • If the Information collection is quit large and complex that it become difficult to analyse  using traditional data - processing techniques, we call it Big data. Results made from this analysis are then transmitted to the actual system, where the decision implemented.

The Internet of Everything(IoE)

  • People
- Connection People with more relevant valuable ways.

  • Data
- Leveraging data into more useful information for decision making.

  • Process
- Delivering the right information to the right person(or machine) at right time.

  • Tings
- Physical devices and object connected to the internet and each other for intelligent decision making.

IoT Applications

  • From building and home automation to wearable, the IoT touches every facet of our lives.

Challenging in IoT

  • Sending complex environment
- Innovative ways to sense and deliver information from the physical world to the cloud.

  • Connectivity
- Variety of wired and wireless connectivity standard area required enable different application needs.

  • Power
- Many IoT applications need to run for years over batteries and reduce the overall energy consumption

  • Security is vital
- Protecting user's privacy and manufacture's IP directing and blocking malicious activity.

  • IoT is complex
- IoT Applications development needs to be easy for all developers, not just to experts.

  • Cloud is Important
- IoT applications require end-to-end solutions including cloud services.


  • Just the internet has transforms businesses and lifetime in last twenty years, IoT will disrupt one's organisation's relationship with stockholders.

  • while it is complex, and poses risks and still involving,many pioneers have started adopting this technology. A technology agnostic platform that enables device management, application management, and spencer data management with analytics will jumpstart your engagement with cyber physical systems.
- This can help you innovate new processes and initiatives to increase your organisation's business performance, and create customer delight with new products and services.

Rasitha Ariyarathne
CIS 2012/2013