It's time to be ready for the next chapter of Windows 10

We all know that the famous "Start" menu was lost in Windows 8.But now it will be back with the introduction of Windows 10.

On Monday, January 12, Microsoft teasingly tweeted "Keep on starting. The Start Menu is back on #Windows10. More coming 1.21.15." Of course, if you've been following along since Windows 10 was unveiled at the event in San Francisco on September 30, 2014, you already know that the Start Menu is front and center in the new operating system. Certainly, a host of other new features were revealed. They are, 

  • A new Task view button

  • Multiple desktops

  • Snap enhancements

  • Apps that run in a window

However, the return of the Start Menu definitely stole the show as one of the more news worthy features.

So, it makes sense that Microsoft would use the return of the Start Menu to drum up suspense for its next event. This one is being called "Windows 10: The next chapter" and will be held at on Microsoft's Redmond campus on January 21, 2015.

As you would expect, the main focus of the event will be the return of the Windows Insider Program and the release of a new build. Microsoft has had plenty of time to prepare the new build of Windows 10, and we should expect to see that some major enhancements have been made to the new build of the operating system. In fact, in a post on December 17, 2014, Gabe Aul, who leads the Data & Fundamentals Team within the Operating Systems Group, said:

"You'll see some big things, lots of small improvements, and I hope there will be something for each of you to point to and know your influence was felt and appreciated by us. I'm confident that the next build we release will be an exciting one and will show how Windows 10 is evolving with your input."

While there isn't anything concrete in Aul's post, there have been lots rumors and a host of leaked build screen shots to whet our appetites. However, only time will tell us for sure what the next build will contain. In the meantime, all of the world have some questions on what they might see in the next chapter of Windows 10. So we can speculate them as below:

  • Will the rest of taskbar icons be more flat looking -- like the Task View icon in Build 9879?

  • Will the PC settings app completely replace the Control Panel?

  • Based on the tweet, will there be enhancements to the new Start Menu?

  • Will there be additional native apps?

  • Will new there be a more integrated Xbox app?

  • Will there be light and dark themes like on the Windows Phone?

  • We might get some more details on how Microsoft is planning on distributing Windows 10. Will it be free, priced normally, or will it be a subscription like Office 365?

Udeshika Indumani
[CIS 2010/2011]