The new C# and two good things.

I have installed Visual Studio 2015 on a Virtual machine and it is GREAT..! I am making a post on it with screenshots but for now let me tell about some cool Visual C# 2015 preview features 1 Auto-Properties with initializers. Now you can code something like
public int id { get; } = 15;
Yes this is coming. And setter is not a must while you implement though the property is still assignable at declaration time with a setter like the below
public int id { get; set; } = 17;
2 Say no to Console.WriteLine(); This is another cool thing, and a dream comes true for us all. Now you can
using System.Console;
and this will never return and error and after this you can directly
WriteLine("This is awesome");
This is not only for this but we can use any static classes in using and avoid their prefixes when we call their methods. Another good example is
using System.Math;
and just call any method in the Math class which is static. 2.1 Can await in the body of catch / finally clause
private static async Task<string[]> ReturnSomeStringPlease()
        using (var reader = File.OpenText("Words.txt"))
            var s = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();
            return s.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
        using (var reader = File.OpenText("someotherWords.txt"))
            var s = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();
            //this has happened in my life time... yaaaaaayyy!!
            return s.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
There are even more things. I will write about them soon.